Saturday, June 12, 2004


No wonder I travel about so much; this Halloween gypsy costume must have been a cosmic foreshadowing. And that's Zorro; Tyler DID fence in college. And that's Old Mother Hubbard (did you know it went past the first verse?). The relevance could be that Katrina did Teacher Prep...or it could be that she'll be dirt-poor in the future (let's hope not).

Too bad there isn't a picture of Tyler when he was a big yellow schoolbus.

And in honor of this picture (posted on Tyler's website after finding it in a 'time capsule' box left with his friend five years ago), I'm on the move.

To Penang tomorrow. You might remember that as the place where Erika and I peed on Kin after he was stung by a jellyfish, where Erika and I injured ourselves on rocks attempting to sneak into a resort pool, where my digital camera and handphone were laid to rest, and where Erika got her hair washed by a lady boy.

I've no doubt this trip will be just as adventureful.

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